
Time to thrive. That is our motto. That is what we strive to give our young leaders and their families. Some say that time is our greatest asset while also being the easiest to waste. Just about every adult reading this right now wishes they would have dedicated more time as a young person to become great at their passion. “If I only had the right mentors...” “If I only would have listened to my parents...” “Why didn’t I realize the enormous possibilities right in front of me?”

Overcoming Obstacles for Student-Athletes

Many obstacles can explain the “why” most kids do not achieve their dreams. Some are easy to point out, and some are harder to see. Let us look at the 7 hours our kids currently spend at school every day. The current school system is not set up to give kids the individual attention they need to succeed and maximize their time. Students are often either held back by the rest of their classmates or left behind to struggle. Traditional students leave school at 3 PM and go to team practice, sport-specific training, physical fitness training, dinner, family time, down time, and 8 hours of sleep. Shoot, I left out time for kids to be kids and just play with friends. Finding TIME TO THRIVE is a crisis for families who want opportunities for their kids in our world today. We invite you to take a deep breath and relax because we have designed an amazing solution for you with EFT Academy.

Our Mission and Inspiration

Our mission at EFT Academy is to give student-athletes and their families, Time to Thrive. Our staff is very excited to be a part of this innovative method of accomplishing both academics and training in the time our kids typically spend during a single day at a traditional school. How is that possible, you ask? I’m not going to say that it is easy. In fact, EFT students out-work their peers in the traditional school setting. Our kids are surrounded by high-performing student-athletes, and it matters who you surround yourself with. At EFT, every students’ academic success is our 1st priority. The mentoring, tutoring, and encouragement that we offer will change the way students view their education. Keeping the EFT schedule and developing good and consistent work habits gives our kids confidence, maturity, and leadership skills to prepare them for the next stage. EFT is not a pioneer in education, fitness, and training. In fact, the sports-based academy concept is growing rapidly across the USA. The EFT team took the best parts of succesful programs in the south and on the east coast and built a program that we would have loved to go to as kids. We are so passionate about helping build great young people and help them achieve their dreams.

To Future EFT Athletes

EFT Academy will make you a freak athlete so that you can take your sport to the highest level that you are capable of. EFT will give you sport-specific training that will set you apart from everyone else. EFT will provide you with the nutritional education and guidance you need to understand how to fuel your mind and body — now and for the rest of your life. EFT will provide mentorship, motivation, and structure to be a successful student. EFT will teach you how to schedule your day, put in the work, and stay on task to achieve 2 or 3 times as much as your peers do in the same amount of time. Leadership is not taught in a trimester class. Leadership is built on training – doing – failing – getting back on track – and showing up every day for the long haul. Our kids (and we mean, “our kids” because that is how we will treat them) will be prepared for college and perform at a high level—in academics, athletics, or both. Our graduates will be ready to lead because they learned that hard work equals reward, and they proved it every day.

We look forward to working with you and your family and helping you prepare for and achieve success both on and off the court or course.


Shawn O'Keefe
EFT Academy Co-Founder


Begin your journey!

Schedule a meeting with our staff to learn how EFT Academy can help you level-up your game!

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